An informational website for the organic insecticide, EcoWorks EC AG is now LIVE.  This website contains detailed technical information including the product’s mode of action and efficacy as well as documents such as the OMRI Certificate, SDS and Product Label.  This website can be accessed through EcoWorks product page on Solera’s website at or directly at:


The biopesticide market is on the increase worldwide. Biopesticides have also found their place in the United States as demand for organically grown crops increase. Solera has embarked on a relationship with Ecostadt Technologies, LLC. to market their Ecoworks EC Cold Pressed Neem Oil Based Product. Ecoworks EC can be used on a wide variety of crops for the control of numerous insect, mite, nematode and fungi pests. Studies have shown Ecoworks EC out performs Azadirachtin and Hydrophobic Neem Oil products. Please contact us for further information.